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Women's Missionary Union

Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) is a national organization that works to reflect a biblical understanding of missions and provides a holistic approach to mission’s awareness and participation.

These are the objectives of the WMU:

1. Praying for Missions

2. Engaging in Mission Action and Witnessing

3. Learning About Missions

4. Supporting Missions

5. Developing Spiritually Toward a Missions Lifestyle

6. Participating in the Work of the Church and Denomination

Two WMU groups are actively involved in mission work at First Baptist Church of Albany. Lucy Wagner

Group meets in the afternoon on the second Tuesday of each month at 1:30 P.M. at the church.

Mission and Ministry Group (M&M) meets in the evening on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 P.M.

in individual member’s homes.

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