First BaptistAlbany

Helping Hands Day
We show people that we love them by helping them with specific needs that they might have. Twice a year, one way our church demonstrates our love to our community is through Helping Hands. During Helping Hands day, our church rakes leaves, cleans gutters, and does other kinds of yard work in our community for people who normally can't do it. Contact the church office at 660-726-5626 to find out when the next Helping Hands day is.

University Church
University Church is a church plant in Lincoln, Nebraska that seeks to preach the Gospel and to impact their community for Christ. We at FBC Albany support University Church and their pastor Logan Merrick through prayer, finances, and manpower. It is our hope and prayer that University Church would faithfully make disciples of the people of Lincoln. If you wish to learn more about the church head to

Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is a global mission opportunity where people pack shoeboxes with gifts for children all over the world. And every October our church packs these shoeboxes to send to children in order to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you would like to learn more about Operation Christmas Child go to

Youth Mission Trip
While God calls us to mission at home, we know that the New Testament church did missions away from home as well. Every summer our youth go on mission with God outside of Albany. We have gone to Nashville, Tennessee; Yankton, South Dakota; Lincoln, Nebraska, and many other places. Stay tuned for more details for the mission trip this summer. Contact Pastor Andrew Yocum if you have any questions.

Haiti Mission Trip